If you fail to plan, you plan to fail – Social Media Strategy.

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail – Social Media Strategy.

So you thought that social media marketing is easy to go and all you have to do is post content on various platforms for your followers? Perhaps you are wrong. If you go with the flow of posting the content without having a proper plan for your audience, your posts are dwelling nothing. Social media optimisation is also a major factor for you to get more recognition on your website and more footfalls on your storefront. If you fail to plan a strategy to gain more followers and generate leads for your products and services, then maybe you are planning to fail entirely. Here are a few plans, people fail to make:

1. Goal orient
To post on your social media, you should have a goal in mind. Most of the people post their content aimlessly on the platform, without any goal to achieve. Isn’t it always said that one should keep walking but with a goal in mind? Otherwise what are walking towards? Or more like, what are you posting the content for? Have a goal of increasing your engagement, or increase the reach of your posts. Your posts should generate leads, or land up more people on your website.

2. Cracking the tracking
A lot of people lacks tracking the analytics of their posts. Don’t you think you should keep a track on your posts, about its likes, comments, shares, and reach? Keeping track of your posts will let you plan ahead of time. Failing to track the basic analysis of your posts, will lead you nowhere. When you track the analysis of your posts and content, you realise what your audience wants to see and what they are interested in, in context of the information and products.

3. Target audience
Coming to the point of analysing the needs of your audience, analyse your audience too. Let’s say your apparel store page on Facebook has a wide audience of people aged above 30, would it benefit your store? Maybe, not. Targeting the wrong audience on your page is the major fall in your store. Well, if you can’t target the right audience on your page, then how will you get the return on your investment? When you think of targeting the right audience, check the basic factors like, where are they located, what is the average age and gender of your audience.

4. Ignoring the reviews
Not every one of us can handle criticism, and negative reviews. However, you should not ignore them. Ignoring the negative reviews and deleting them from your social media page is not the right plan. While more than 78% of the people rely on the reviews on social media platforms to build faith in the brand or product, you can’t hide the genuine reviews from your followers. You must reply with the most positive comment to your unsatisfied customer for better promotion of your brand.

5. Being robotic
We know you are behind the computer screens trying to talk business, but being robotic and too formal may not benefit you. You are at the most informal platform to gain business, and people expect casualty out of you. Very little interactions with your followers or too much-automated replies will leave you with followers who are not there to invest in your brand. Don’t treat all your social platforms the same and keep on posting the same content on all the platforms. Know the difference between your followers on each platform and their preferences.

Your social media may be your creative canvas to paint the picture as you like for your customers but it remains in the head of your customers for a longer time. Thence, if you fail to plan for marketing on your social media, then you are definitely heading to get doomed and planning to fail on social media.