Brand awareness or Lead generation – Which one a company will choose?

Brand awareness or Lead generation – Which one a company will choose?

Your company has to offer a wide range of products and services to the world, but how do you promote your business? Should you make people aware of your brand to come up to you at the time of the need or should you promote your products and services for people to invest in them directly?

Brand awareness and lead generation are two different things which harmonise with each other. When you work on one thing, it benefits the other indirectly. Your brand is more than just your logo or colour.

Brand awareness is more about building trust with the client. As you will always choose to buy a product from someone you know or trust, the same goes for your clients. What will make a stranger trust you? Why will even you trust an unknown brand? Think about yourself as a client wanting to buy a product or service, and browsing the internet to choose a company.

A person will always choose a company with a brand name to spend his hard earned money, rather than wasting his money on a product of a company, who he is not aware of at all. Brand awareness is important because there will always be a ratio of people, who would have never heard of you. Attract a stranger to your website to make him stay there and surf other pages of the company. With brand awareness, you must pull in visitors to your website and drive them to a landing page through relevant content and a related call to action. Promote your brand on social media platforms and use compelling CTAs (call to actions) to push the visitors to the landing page.

The key performance indicator (KPI) of brand awareness campaign includes impressions, likes, views, clicks, the average time on site, bounce rate, page visits, exit rate. KPI may vary from business to business, but you should use right tactics to relate your company to the brand.

The sole purpose of lead generation campaign is to turn the attracted customers into leads; your potential customers. These campaigns drive users to a landing page with the goal of collecting information and extracting the potential sales leads. Do not drive your leads to the homepage of the website; rather the landing page should be the same as of the CTA. If your company need sales right away, then allocate more budget to focus on the targeting the audience.

Before targeting the audience and for them to tap or click on the CTA, research about the user behaviour and target the same audience. Watch out the audience trends, with how likely they are going to land on the landing page. As you research about your audience, make a quick note about your competitions in the market. Research about your competitors, and try to come up with better ideas than them. While you attract strangers to be visitors, convert them into your leads through your content strategy. Your landing page should ask relevant information to the user. Too much of questions will make the client leave, while too little questions will be inadequate for you to know about the lead.

The KPI of lead generation campaign is conversion focused. All the people you attracted through brand awareness, has to be converted into leads and send a query to the company. Alter images, videos, write-ups, and message tone as per the audience and platform. If you are directly communicating with the client and talking one-on-one with them, then don’t fill their inbox with your messages or tone. Use social media and display advertising on website and social platforms to make people aware of you. Both the campaigns require similar tactics and strategies; the point is to use them according to your purpose of campaigning.

Summarizing it all
You should know how to relate your company to your brand and incorporate both advertising strategies together. While managing two different goals is tough, these interrelated functions are beneficial for either of them. You have to work and advertise as per your need of the hour. If you want people to know about your brand to invest with you then, make your budget for brand awareness campaigns. If you want to generate leads before and then people should be aware of your brand, then invest in lead generation campaign.